100+ Customer Service Tips To Grow Your Business Now

There’s one undeniable foundation of a well-organized business. By that, I mean constant learning and implementing relevant customer service tips.
They may relate to various issues – all of them matter. Method of communication, types of customers, your attitude, your branch of industry, the type of your product or service, I’ve just mentioned a few.
The good thing is, it’s possible to make an advanced list of commandments that work well in general. What is even better – you don’t need to do it on your own. We’ve done all the work for you!
We’ve asked multiple customer service specialists to give us their best possible pieces of advice. Also, we’ve asked them to put their thoughts into one simple and concise sentence and explain why they consider it so powerful.
The results of this survey were beyond our expectations – we’ve got 100+ (110, to be precise) perfectly explained customer service tips! Now it’s your turn to get them and improve your customer service skills!
Here we go!
1. Create a killer FAQ page.
It puts the answers to common questions at their fingertips, making it a quick and easy way to improve the customer experience and turn prospects into conversions.
~Summer Romasco, Ad Hoc Labs
2. Learn to de-escalate.
It’s so easy to get angry and defensive when confronted with an upset customer because something went wrong with their purchase or experience with the business. Even when customers are outright wrong (which is more common than anyone realizes), let them empty their cup. This is a great strategy for de-escalation, especially if you follow this up with “What would be the best outcome for this”, or “how can we make this right for you?”. This allows your customers to air their concerns and let them know how things can be fixed, instead of you making that determination for them to begin with.
~Keith Eneix, Taut USA – Renew Alliance
3. A loyal customer is an important customer.
Customers who have been around for a while and continue to trust you with the service/product you provide are valuable. You grow with your customers and learn from them. Loyalty is huge and – while I don’t recommend having ‘favorite’ customers – a customer who sticks with you should be rewarded in some way or another.
~Lucie Chavez, Radaris
4. If you collect the customer’s phone number, instead of sending a text or impersonal email, send them a video message especially for them.
No matter whether it’s thanking them for the purchase or answering a question. You’ll be surprised how effective the video technique works and it’s super easy to do and costs nothing.
~Michael Silva, QB 54
5. The customer is always right. Any questions? Read the first sentence again.
This saying was originally developed by Stew Leonard and has served me well as I progressed across my career.
~Damian Birkel, Professionals in Transition
6. You should love customer complaints.
Don’t dread it, but please learn to love and appreciate a customer complaint. Over the last 20 years owning various service-based businesses I’ve seen how that call can crush your spirit, but I want to challenge you to learn to appreciate that call. Most customers don’t call, they just disappear (cancel/churn). A customer complaint is an opportunity to make that customer happy and fix potentially a problem others who don’t call are experiencing also.
~Michael Kawula, CBA
7. Never guarantee something that you are not in charge of.
Unless you want the business to earn a bad reputation and see an angry customer charging in through the doors a few days later. This includes promising refunds, returns, and approvals. Be honest with the best policy and make sure your customer will always successfully get what they want. If not – don’t hesitate to tell the truth.
~Anthony Martin, Choice Mutual
8. Use a chatbot.
A chatbot helps improve the conversion rate by giving quick answers and helping people without human intervention. Most people prefer not to interact with a customer service person and tend to engage more with forums and chatbots because they have the answers to the most important and frequently asked questions.
~Jordon Scrinko, Precondo
9. Avoid using canned responses upon receipt of customer feedback or complaint.
Every customer service transaction should be personalized to ensure the best possible outcome. Using generic responses makes your approach feel cold and insincere which immediately puts you at a disadvantage in the customer service space.
~Anton Giuroiu, Homesthetics
10. Listen, comprehend, then talk.
As a manager, I believe that customer service representatives should understand what the customers need and want before trying to give a solution. It’s crucial to directly give instruction to them that will help them solve the problem. Representatives must always bear in mind that listening and comprehending come before talking.
~Samantha Moss, Romantific
11. Practice empathy and put yourself in the shoes of the customer.
Remember that everyone wants to feel they are being listened to and respected by those who are helping them. This is important because when customer feels valued, they are more likely to become loyal to your brand or product.
~Matt Weber, Weber & Co.
12. Focus on actually listening to what the customer has to say.
Oftentimes, the best thing to do is paraphrase what the customer is saying to show you understand their problem and then ask questions about that problem in a way that lets you understand it even more. When asking about the problem, try to get as much detail as possible. Ask them what is driving them to be frustrated, and what they think the best solution might be. It’s also important in these situations to empathize with your customer while offering a solution.
~Kevin Miller, KM.
13. Never make your customers feel that their problem is their fault.
Whatever happens, even if you know that it is their fault, never make them feel that way. This is so the customer will be receptive to the solutions that you will suggest.
~Scott Hasting, BetWorthy LLC
14. Never put your customer on hold for more than 5 minutes.
Customers do not like waiting so you have to act fast to solve their problems. Though sometimes there is a need for you to put them on hold, do it quickly. Also, some customers are using paid-by-the-minute phones so it will cost them a lot to be on hold, hence, making them angrier.
~Craig Miller, Academia Labs LLC
15. You can learn a lot from unhappy customers.
Instead of simply trying to be done with unhappy customers in any situation and moving on, determine why they were unhappy and figure out the strategy so it doesn’t happen again.
~Thomas Hawkins, Electrician Apprentice HQ
16. Put a phone number on your website and have a real person answer it during business hours!
Say I am old-fashioned but it seems so simple but so few do it. Our customers love that we answer the phone and have time to talk with them. That is a BIG deal. Just saying.
~Sandy Stein, Alexx Inc.
17. Make it easy for customers to find their answers themselves on your website.
We optimized our FAQ page and it cut down on our customer service phone calls, upped our conversion rate, and customers are happier that they don’t have to waste their time getting answers to their questions.
~Evan McCarthy, SportingSmiles
18. Use positive language.
It doesn’t matter what you’re asking for if you’re having a bad day, or just looking for someone else to blame: keep your tone and language upbeat and respectful. Using negative language can turn an average customer into a disgruntled one in the blink of an eye.
~Dylan Orosz, Step By Step Business
19. Features and benefits are different things in communication with customers.
Features are what a product does, benefits are what a product does for the customer; focus on the benefits during client interactions.
~Veronica Hanson, Nomad Veronica LLC
20. Let the customer know you’re human.
So much customer service today is automated with chatbots and auto-responders. Customers often think it’s not a real person on the other side of the text or chat. Letting them know right away that it’s a human can go a long way in building rapport and relaxing the customer.
~Matiah Fischer, RetireBetterNow
21. Make sure that you’re informed enough to provide a valuable piece of advice.
Also, keep in mind other people’s time by considering how long it will take them to go through the information you convey.
~Farhan Advani, Buy Here Pay Here
22. Always express humility.
Regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong, calm or not, humility is always a good thing. Humility means being humble and modest when giving solutions to them. This does not just make you exemplary when it comes to approaching customers but also in representing the entity.
~Susan Melony, Unbreak Yourself
23. Be the bigger person.
As customer service representatives, you always want to be seen as the understandable, knowledgeable, and helpful person for the customers in confusion. This is exactly what a bigger person does. Despite having irate and hard to handle customers, being able to execute professionalism and calmness throughout will help you do your job best.
~Keenan Beavis, Longhouse Media
24. Be your own customer.
Your customer comes to you to solve a specific problem for them and if you can experience their side of the transaction it becomes easier to recognize their needs and how your product can help.
~Jeremy, LuluLookAlike.
25. Ask insightful questions.
To provide exceptional customer service, you must constantly ask questions, collect answers, and analyze the information you receive. Customer feedback is an excellent source of business development and reinvention, allowing a company to thrive and keep up with trends. Employees should understand the importance of asking open-ended questions so that consumers can express both negative and positive views about the company, product, and service quality.
~David Bitton, DoorLoop
26. Empower your customer service team to make the right decisions and find the right solutions on the spot when they are interacting with customers.
Customers are happiest when their issues are solved in the quickest time possible. Giving your employees the tools and authority to solve customer issues on the spot will result in happier customers and more engaged employees.
~Patrick Crane, Love Sew
27. Stop forcing your customers to purchase.
The more you force them, the less they get encouraged to buy as pushing someone towards something doesn’t work in sales. Make them feel why it’s important and beneficial to make the sale instead of forcing them which isn’t a healthy tactic in the first place.
~Ahmed Mir, Sip Coffee House
28. Talk in “advisor” language and not in “salesperson” language.
This means you need to be empathetic and acknowledge their concerns and budget constraints instead of pushing a product or service down their throat. Try to help them with a solution instead of selling a product or service. You’re doing the same thing but the approach is different. They will feel like you’re a guide helping them with a solution to their problem and that solution is actually your product/service.
~Danny Marshall, Mortgage Rate Guru
29. Try to stand from your customer’s perspective.
If you keep looking at yours, you’ll never understand where they are coming from or what is causing this viewpoint. Think of it this way, you can never argue that peanut butter is better than chocolate if you have never tasted either of the two.
~Aviad Faruz, FARUZO
30. Speak casually to set the customer at ease.
By this, I mean still be polite, but don’t be overly formal. Uber formality can be a huge turn-off for the average consumer who is seeking your knowledge and expertise in the store.
~Eric Thomas, Simple Solar Living
31. To provide the best customer service, you need to be able to respond to customer questions fast and efficiently.
Customers want and deserve speedy, kind, and practical responses. According to Statista, 12% of customer frustrations come from lack of speed and 27% from lack of effectiveness.
~Carsten Pleiser, Paperless
32. Use empathetic words as often as possible.
Personally speaking, as a founder, using words with empathy will help in supporting to connect with your customers and making them feel that you understand how they feel. With this, it can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty to your service.
~Sonya Schwartz, Her Norm
33. Always use positive language that sets the focus on a solution.
Positive language is the best way to avoid conflict and increase customer satisfaction. For example, say a customer wants to return an item and does not have a receipt. Instead of saying, “You can’t return this product because you don’t have a receipt”. You could say, “This can be returned for store credit. I can process this and get that to you immediately”.
~Kathryn Schwab, Kathryn Schwab LLC
34. AER: Acknowledge, Empathize and Resolve.
Acknowledge the customers’ concerns and issues, show empathy to your customer by listening and understanding where they are coming from, sound confident and knowledgeable by providing and laying down possible solutions you could offer them to fix the issues.
~Nicholas Holand, GooseSmurfs
35. Provide alternatives.
Customers will be fully satisfied if their questions are answered and other concerns are addressed. Although, they won’t be able to get the service that they intend to for some reason, at least they are not left hanging with some unanswered queries in mind.
Customer service delivers a great impact and plays a vital role when it comes to fulfilling user experience goals. This is why it shouldn’t be taken for granted, instead, it should be improved. This can be done by always showing empathy and providing alternatives that can turn their frustration into better understanding.
~Johnathan Smith, CamperGuide
36. A customer service issue is an opportunity to flip the switch from frustration to delight and loyalty.
Customers put their trust in you when they buy your product. Earning and preserving that trust is everything in business. If an issue pops up, do the right thing by resolving their issue completely, right away. Then go one step further and give them something for their troubles that leave them positive impressions. Something like a surprise post-call email with a discount coupon for their next order, or buying them a coffee for their troubles by sending them a gift certificate to their local coffee shop. They won’t forget it, and you’ll have a customer for life.
~Meaghan Thomas, Pinch Spice Market
37. Gauge the “last impression”.
The customer experience runs right through to the last impression. Never get complacent! Remember to leave the customer with a smile on their face. Always follow up with customers who called in with issues, and also to prospective customers you’ve been speaking to. Use your post-sale/service surveys to introduce new features.
~Alex Shute, FaithGiant
38. Non-verbal communication is equally as important as what you say.
A genuine, welcoming SMILE goes a long way toward saying ‘I care about what you have to say and respect your opinions.’ It helps to put the stakeholder at ease and feel comfortable speaking honestly. Remember to have a friendly tone of voice too!
~Susan Ballinger, Sassy Sister Stuff
39. Exercise your patience.
This is one of the key components of any interaction and dealings with a customer. Remember that not all the customers have the same pace and may respond the way you expected.
Allow the customers to grow at their own pace. Answer their difficult or simple question patiently without making them seemingly confusing. Let the customers decide whether they are okay with the product or they want something different. Whatever their choice is always thank them for their help and time.
~Philip Pasma, Asterisk Marketing Inc.
40. Leverage customer feedback.
As stakeholders with first-hand experience of your products/services, customers offer some of the most critical pieces of information that can enhance your business. Brands can only truly improve what they offer to their market and appease the people they cater to by looking at things from the customers’ perspective and taking action based on the information they are reasonably given. For customers, feedback surveys are chances for them to work with your business so you may improve how you serve them. Making sure you take action and rectify the pain points they’ve pointed out highlights that you’re a collaborative and customer-focused company.
~Michael Knight, Incorporation Insight
41. Always speak the way your customer speaks.
At our coffee shop, our everyday lingo can get thrown around that can be confusing to some customers. Americano, frappuccino, and crema are terms that can be foreign to some new customers.
If someone wants to order something simple, or they want to try something new, let them explain it to you in their way. You shouldn’t throw out lingo that will turn off new customers.
~Troy DeVille, Carmel Bay Coffee
42. Don’t take everything you hear personally.
Remember that feedback, whether positive or negative, big or small, are all helpful in getting to know your customers and fulfilling their needs.
~Ryan Brown, Kenra Professional
43. Don’t rely on a one-size-fits-all approach with customers.
To develop true connections with customers, you have to approach each person individually. Although it’s easier to have generic responses, they can often alienate people and prevent you from building relationships with customers.
~Mikkel Andreassen, Dixa
44. Avoid breakneck speed.
Finding out what your customers want immediately or answering fast is a must, everyone knows that, but later, make sure that they are satisfied with your service, don’t just come and go like the wind. Take time to ensure first-contact resolution becomes a priority. Fast advice won’t make them come back, but helpful advice will.
~Adam Korbl, iFax
45. Empower your people to go the extra mile.
Customer service representatives’ most common gripe is that they cannot resolve issues due to business constraints or rules. Customer service representatives are well aware that their primary responsibility is to manage complaints. They must, however, be able to go above and above with their service. It’ll be aggravating if they can’t hand out any offers or incentives. For example, we authorize our reps to spend up to $50 per guest to solve problems and meet their customers’ needs in the first instance. When they see a problem, they can address it on the spot. This is a significant reason our company has a sterling customer service reputation.
~James Leversha, Top Notch IT
46. Keep a level head and remain calm.
Chances are, you’ll encounter irate customers. This could be due to factors directly related to your products/services or those beyond your control. As much as it may be frustrating, the best thing to do is to maintain composure and work with them to come to a reasonable conclusion.
~Brian Meiggs, Gigs Done Right
47. When optimizing your site, make sure you utilize keywords that match search intent.
Once you’ve found keywords that you think should be utilized on your site, do a quick test and Google each of them. What do you see? Are the results similar to your offering, or totally different? If you’re trying to rank a service offering page for a keyword that returns blogs or government websites, find a new keyword! You don’t see Usain Bolt running marathons – stick to what you can compete against.
~Hamish Pearsall, Oddball Marketing
48. Use automation in moderation.
The problem with many customer service teams today is that they try to automate as much as they can. The problem with this is that you lose the human element that can be extremely valuable to your team. Automation is good but in moderation. Use it to answer FAQs and simple questions, but when it comes to more complex queries, make sure your customer service team takes on a more personal approach and answers questions themselves. This is how to manage time effectively but still provide an excellent experience for customers.
~Teri Shern, Conex Boxes
49. In the event of any form of disagreement, always offer empathy but never an apology. You should show understanding to your customer on their concern, but an apology will present the opportunity for you to be blamed.
The reason which I would suggest this is to ensure that you always are able to offer a great level of service, but when things go wrong that are not your fault, you must address them with the correct amount of concern for keeping your reputation well upheld.
~Connor Hewson, Assured Marketing
50. Aim to reply quickly, but don’t reduce quality.
Many people try to make their customer service response times very fast. And while that is a good thing, it can often result in a drop in quality. This means that you still won’t be providing a good customer service experience and probably won’t even resolve issues as quickly as you may think (since the quality of advice is lower). Focus on reducing time, but also ensure that you’re providing a good experience, have good prioritization procedures, etc.
~Josh Wright, CellPhoneDeal
51. The only problem you should fix is the customer’s problem and not their attitude.
Customer service is not a place for moral lessons or trying to teach people how to behave. Hence, always focus on the customer’s problem.
~Gian Moore, Mellowpine
52. The customer has a name, so use it.
Personalize your conversation. People like to hear their name being used so make sure you use it when appropriate. Remember to tell them your name too.
~James Crawford, DealDrop
53. Turn customer mistakes into unforgettable experiences.
It’s not always the corporation that makes a mistake; sometimes, it’s the client. It occurs, and just because the customer is to blame doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to find a solution. It demonstrates how much your company cares about its customers, and it pleasantly surprises the client who committed the error. So, tell your staff that if they perceive a chance to rectify a client’s error in a way that benefits the company’s image, they should take it. Just make sure to set a limit for such expenses.
~Kyle Arnold, HyperWeb
54. Make your customer smile.
It may sound simple but if you can give your customer a good feeling and make them smile it is beneficial for everyone – you will feel satisfied you have delivered a good job and they will be feeling pleased – this result means they are more likely to be loyal to your business.
~Oliver Byrne, SMC Premier
55. Remove unnecessary processes.
Don’t duplicate forms or require the customer to spend time doing things that aren’t essential – keep the processes as quick and easy as possible to encourage repeat business.
~James Khoury, Zendbox
56. At all times, deliver more.
Even if you don’t have to, go above and beyond what your customers expect.
~James Dyble, Global Sound Group
57. “No” is not an answer.
Either go with “yes” or search for an alternative to please and satisfy your customer. Doing this makes the customer know what they can expect from you and you might fulfill their needs. If you can’t find an alternative, contact your higher authority/boss for the solution.
~Sarah Kiran, GoodCloudStorage
58. Good customer service is a never-ending learning process.
Every customer needs to be treated differently depending on their mood and personality. I ensure that my sales staff is flexible and can face any challenges being thrown at them
~Scott Keever, Scott Keever SEO
59. Listen to what your customer is saying (and not saying!) to be able to customize your approach to their specific needs.
After several years, I have met all kinds of different people with all kinds of different backgrounds, experiences, and situations that lead them to the decision to sell their homes to me. Investor home buying is not a one-size-fits-all industry, and only your customers (in my case, house sellers) can tell you their needs to help you effectively help them.
~Kyle McCorkel, Safe Home Offer
60. Create a well-working feedback system.
In order to assist customers better, it’s important to understand their pain points and challenges. This allows you to offer effective solutions and create strategies that are tailored to their needs.
~Scott Spivack, United Medical Credit
61. Putting in a little extra effort can go a long way.
Customers appreciate when you go the extra mile for them, whether that means making that additional phone call, or staying a little past your shift. Ensuring that your customer is receiving the level of service they deserve does not go unnoticed.
~Jean Gregoire, Lovebox
62. Remember – customer loyalty isn’t accidental.
Instead, it is a result of having a good product plus excellent customer service.
~Liam Johnson, TheHitchStore
63. Be swift and do not keep your customers waiting.
Try your best to avoid making customers wait long before hearing from you or when resolving issues. Some issues and concerns may take time to be resolved; however, you should be quick to notify them that you’re working your best to fix things for them.
~Matthew Roberts, My Choice
64. Be reachable whenever and wherever.
If you want customers to experience less hassle and respect their time and preferences, keep multiple communication channels available. Some customers prefer to obtain assistance through face-to-face interactions, others through call, others through email, and others want to obtain everything from your website. This is challenging but remember to constantly strive to improve.
~Tobias Rawcliffe, Number 1 Plates
65. Providing a positive customer experience is everything.
The key is to be consistent in your messaging and authentic in your delivery. Before and after experiences matter just as much as the point of sale, so make those a point of focus for personalized service when engaging and following up.
~Chris Biscuiti, Minuteman Press International
66. Your customers are your best friends, treat them as such.
You would never want to upset your best friend but you would always be honest and communicative with them, that is why I believe that the best customer service happens when a company value’s being honest with their customer while also being respectful.
~Avner Brodsky, Superwatches
67. Always put the customer first without putting yourself last.
In all my years working in my position, I have always put the needs of my clientele first as they are a paying customer. However, you do not want to lose sight of your priority in the process, causing your business to suffer because you put so many resources into ensuring the customer is always satisfied. You want to find the perfect balance between customer satisfaction, and keeping your business afloat!
~Sean Chaudhary, Alchemy Leads
68. Give your customer the type of experience you would expect from other services.
This is such a poignant sentence because you want to provide the same excellent customer service you would expect from other establishments. We are also consumers, not just business owners and we know what it takes to keep customers happy because we want this as well. Try to think about how you would react to the customer services you provide and whether or not you would be satisfied.
~Adam Moore, SocialPlus
69. Meet customers where they’re most comfortable.
This notion is more applicable than ever in a post-pandemic world, as customers and stakeholders continue to become more and more eager to communicate through non-traditional means. Whilst the vast majority of businesses might’ve done face-to-face in years past, the change seen in recent years towards digital communications means that customer service representatives need to be more willing to meet customers where they’re most comfortable, whether that be in the physical or virtual world. Equipping your business with the best video conferencing technology and training employees to utilize asynchronous communications tools will ensure that you provide yourself with the best possible opportunity to provide elite customer service.
~Harrison Sharrett, Prime Office Space
70. Recognize the type of your customer.
The better you know your customers and their lives, the more easily you’ll be able to service them and keep them happy.
~Glen Bhimani, BPS Security
71. Value your customer’s time.
Your customers are also busy, with work and life to tend to. Try your best not to delay the issue from getting solved and resolve it if you have the capacity to do so. Nobody enjoys being on the other line listening to the same music or being transferred from one department to another.
~Ian Sells, RebateKey
72. Offer multiple options to your customers.
Offering options to your customers that they want or need creates a better customer experience. When it comes to paying for products or services, the more options you give your clients the easier it is for them to purchase your products or services. Partnering with a cryptocurrency payment gateway gives your customers more options when purchasing products from your business. This way not only they can pay with their debit and credit cards, but they also can pay with cryptocurrencies of their choice. This will benefit your business and will leave your customers satisfied.
~Jason Butcher, CoinPayments
73. Say sorry like you really mean it.
Mistakes happen to everyone – no matter how much effort we make to offer our customers an outstanding customer service experience. As we don’t have a time machine (yet), we should deal with it another way, and an honest apology should be the first choice. Take full responsibility for your mistakes and avoid at any cost sentences that start with “I’m sorry, however…” – they make your customers even more angry and frustrated.
~Olek Potrykus, Tidio
74. Use customer reviews as a marketing tool.
Using customer testimonials in your business’ marketing campaigns is a fantastic way to show consumers they are valued. At the end of the day, product success is all about consumer opinion!
~Gabriel Dungan, ViscoSoft
75. Pay attention to the details because everything speaks.
We find that every detail (big or small) communicates something to your customer about the brand. Subconsciously or consciously, clues are being picked up on, and over time they can detract from the customer experience.
~Dennis Snow, Snow & Associates, Inc.
76. To give your customers the best customer service experience, work out what needs they are seeking or expecting to have met through being a customer of yours and then either over-deliver on meeting those needs, or meet needs that they were not expecting to be met in the context of your business transaction.
There are 5 levels of customer service – Damaging customer service (repeatedly compromising or impacting your customer’s needs), Bad customer service (failing to do the minimum to meet your customer’s needs in the context of the transaction), Basic Customer Service (doing the bare minimum to meet your customer’s needs in the context of the transaction), Good Customer Service (meeting your customer’s needs that they expected to be met in the context of the transaction WELL) and Extraordinary customer service (meeting your customer’s needs WAY BEYOND EXPECTATIONS or meeting needs that weren’t a part of the initial transaction)….always aim for extraordinary customer service.
~Claire Brummell, The Universal Needs
77. Provide a personalized after-sales experience.
After-sales services are also a great way to obtain customer feedback and ensure whether the customer is satisfied. For example, suppose a customer buys a refrigerator from your company. In that case, the customer representative can call the customer after a few days to follow up about how satisfied the customer is or if he needs further assistance. This way, the customer’s trust in the company is enhanced and they are more likely to shop with you again.
~Marilyn Gaskell, TruePeopleSearch
78. Make eye contact with your customer while speaking to him in person.
Customers want to feel like they are getting personalized assistance and aren’t just being treated like one of many people who you have helped that day. A personal connection can be the difference between making a sale or not.
~Ravi Parikh, RoverPass
79. Avoid sounding like you are reading from a script.
Even though you may have to say the same thing to hundreds of customers each day, which becomes very repetitive, each customer only interacts with you one single time. Treating each interaction individually and without sounding like a robot will be received much better by your customers and will make them feel much more cared for.
~Jeremy Yamaguchi, Lawn Love
80. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know”.
Since all your customers depend on you to define and describe your product or service, it is your job to be informed enough to answer their questions or at least know where to stop if things become too technical. You can tell them you don’t know but ensure to let them know that you will try to find out. Customers will always appreciate it when you are honest and try to find the correct answer for them.
~Stephen Curry, CocoSign
81. Acknowledge frustration or concerns in a way that shares empathy and doesn’t feel like a canned response.
No one likes hearing “I’m sorry you’re frustrated.” But what can be helpful is saying something like, “Thank you for reaching out, it would be frustrating to not be able to log into your account when you’ve tried to reset your password and it still isn’t working. I’m here to help.”
~Nichole Harrop, Nichole Harrop Coaching
82. Your customers are human beings, not leads.
In my experience, most customer service people fall into two camps. One kind knows the trouble they could get in if they don’t treat customers right, and so they make sure to follow up with each customer to make sure everything went well.
The other kind sees every customer as a lead. Leads are numbers that can be monetized. And while it’s true that money is better than no money at all, that doesn’t mean you should treat people like a commodity.
Treating a customer as a lead will get you a one-time sale, maybe even a lifetime of business out of some very valuable leads. But great companies earn loyalty from their customers by treating them like humans, not leads.
~Ann Young, Fix The Photo
83. If there’s a problem, do your best to fix it.
That’s the one-sentence customer service tip I live by. And I can’t think of any major company that doesn’t have this as its philosophy too.
The philosophy is simple – it’s just common sense. The hardest part is remembering to apply it.
The next time you’re dealing with a customer, remember the one-sentence tip: if there’s a problem, apologize and try to fix it. It works even in the most difficult situations: in my career, I’ve seen managers who have lost their temper and shouted at customers, and nothing else work out well in the long run.
Sometimes you need to take a deep breath and start over again from scratch when things go wrong – but you should always try to do so in a way that does not further annoy the person you’re dealing with.
~Austin Dowse, Aimvein
84. Be generous with your thank-yous, not stingy.
Making time to thank your customers is the simplest method to encourage them to return and spread the word about your business.
~Sam Sweeney, Trivvy
85. Take charge of first impressions.
This is something I believe is really essential. Ignoring first impressions already harms retention rates. As a result, your customer service agents may take shortcuts or otherwise fail to be authentic.
~Dexter Grima, VitaBright
86. Try looking into things from your customer’s point of view.
This will help you understand them more. You’ll be able to know better what it is that they want. It will help you come up with a possible solution that they’ll accept.
~Tim Clarke, SEOBlog
87. Always be polite.
Being polite might seem hard when you have an irate customer or when you are having a bad day, but doing so will help things settle down instead of making it more complicated.
~Tristan Harris, Thrive Agency
88. Don’t be too formal.
When speaking or writing to customers, you need to be personable, casual, and most importantly friendly. This means that you should avoid treating customers like a number by using the same formal, repetitive, and non-empathetic tone, where every conversation feels like it comes from a pre-set script, instead of trying to create genuine and organic dialogue. You need to make sure that your team speaks to them as they would a friend, and in turn, your customers will be more receptive and understanding to their responses, as a result.
~Eden Cheng, PeopleFinderFree
89. Communicate with your customers both loudly and clearly.
Good communication has significant importance to satisfy the customers. Clear communication leaves a good impression on your customers. The clarity in communication is foremost because it affects everything you do. Your style and tone affect communication. Avoid common mistakes like using passive-aggressive language or confusing customers with slang or technical jargon.
~Angus Chang, iupilon
90. Follow up with your customer after a problem is solved.
Be sure to follow up with your customers after their issues have been resolved to ensure they are satisfied with the service. It shows that the company cares their customers. For follow-up, you can give them a call, send them a message, or a good support email. You can also send a feedback survey to let your customers know you care and you’re still on their side.
~CJ Xia, Boster Biological Technology
91. Spot and deliver ‘frugal wows’.
Memorable experiences spring from the unexpected. An upstream stumbling block spreads downstream. If you make it tough to implement ideas, your staff will cease coming up with them. The solution is frugal wows. Take advantage of the chance to steer the support team away from throwing money at the problem and toward putting thought and effort into it instead.
~Shiv Gupta, Incrementors Lead Generation
92. “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
This quote has been attributed to many people including Teddy Roosevelt. I like it and find it helpful because it is a simple reminder even (maybe especially) online to listen more than talk, show empathy, and try to look at the situation from another perspective. The goal is not to wear them down or impress them with your smarts. The goal is to connect, communicate clearly, solve the problem and move on.
~Paige Arnof-Fenn, Mavens Moguls
93. Solve problems on the first call.
No customer would be happy constantly calling a customer service rep to ask for solutions for a particular problem over and over again. Ensure that you can offer the best solution the first time they call, and if you can’t meet their demands, provide the next best alternative.
~Hope Livonne Trory, Hopeworksdesign
94. Remember that customer service is everyone’s job.
It is not only the customer service rep’s responsibility but everybody else’s. To be able to solve problems quickly and make improvements, everybody should have knowledge about the products/services and specific processes to address the customer’s concern.
~Kevin Daly, Zevo Health
95. You have to accept the negative feedback.
While it’s tough to deal with an angry customer, you have to be thick-skinned and try to understand where they are coming from. Remain calm and be empathetic. Remember that your job is to make your customers happy so remind them that you are willing to help them until you get things right.
~Oliver Martin, National MRSI
96. Match your energy levels with your customer.
Customer service is based on being flexible and being able to adapt to your customer’s energy levels. Reciprocating their actions, their vibe would result in you understand them better. If they’re talking quite loud, you can do the same and you should speak politely if the customers are speaking politely as well. People like people who’re similar to them, therefore to excel in your customer services, use your customer as a guide.
~Sally Stevens, FastPeopleSearch
97. Address your customer’s intentions, not just their words.
Customers can’t always communicate what they want and may not even be aware of what they want. If you want to wow your customers, you have to figure out what they want/need that they aren’t stating and give it to them. In my one-sentence tip, I use the word “intention” to describe what the customer wants or is trying to accomplish that they aren’t directly stating.
~Sean Diviney, Groundworks BJJ
98. Enable your customers to “explore” possibilities.
Use cases should not be forced on the customers. Instead, educating the customer with introductory concepts about the product, its features, and a demo walk-through with a possible use case is more fulfilling. Once equipped with all the essential information, customers will like to explore their potential use cases for the product. Having a good knowledge about the related products will be helpful.
~Daniela Sawyer, FindPeopleFast
99. Don’t limit yourself to offering just one solution.
Most of the time, your customers want to hear solutions to their problems. To know which solutions you may offer, I’d say is to hear them out, know their issue and come up with a few solutions that are beneficial to both parties. It is essential to have a few options as usually the first option is being rejected.
~Cayla Thurman, Rize Reviews
100. Negative reviews are part of your job.
No business likes to receive negative reviews for sure. But it is possible to receive at least once in your whole entrepreneurship journey, especially when you are just starting. There are countless steps you may take when you receive one, excluding hiding that particular testimony. The better response is to apologize for the mishaps in customer service, offer consolation or compensation when appropriate, and learn from the experience. Take proactive action in improving your systems and operations, especially your public relations and customer service.
~Michael Humphreys, Z Grills
101. Try to solve problems without redirecting your users.
Customers expect a problem to be handled in a single encounter. You can do this by improving IVR options, interacting with the proper individuals, and training your team.
~Oliver Andrews, OA Design Services
102. Make an honest comparison between your service/product and that of the competition.
The reasoning behind this tip is that it helps you build confidence with your clients; they’ll go and research the competition on their own anyway.
~Eulises Quintero, Titoma
103. Be honest with your customers.
Did you promise to send something? Send. Did you promise to call? Call. Do not have time to provide the materials within the promised timeframe? Inform the customer. If something went wrong, you should be the first to report it to the customer.
~Nataliya Novitskaya, Lasting Trend
104. Stand behind your products and services with positive language that inspires people to buy.
An essential part of providing customer service is to use positive language and word choice when responding to people and avoid reacting in ways that may lower your perceived credibility. We must cultivate a positive and compassionate mindset, and our customer service will be like a magnet.
~Madeline Hudson, Aquarium Store Depot
105. Under-promise and over-deliver, not the other way around.
Get in the habit of not making promises you can’t fulfill. It’s better to under-promise and over-deliver than it is to over-promise and under-deliver.
~AJ Silberman-Moffitt, Tandem Buzz
106. Ask the right questions.
Asking the right questions helps you gain further knowledge of the customer’s true pain points. This helps you craft a solution for the customer and create the best customer service experience. Ask the right questions and discover the real problem your customer is encountering.
~Chris Gadek, AdQuick
107. Learn from your customers.
It’s not just about pleasing your customers, although that is important. Take any customer interaction, whether good or bad, as an opportunity to gain insight into what is working and what is not working in terms of your business relationship with its customers. Customer complaints can actually be the best opportunity to make your business come back even stronger, through determination to fix the issues which your customers address. Be thankful for any ways in which your customers can teach you how to run your business better.
~Amber Theurer, IVEE
108. Don’t try to sell something that’s not of value to your customers, simply tell them they don’t need it.
I was once working retail and told a customer that he could find the article he was looking for at a better price and a better quality at a competitor’s store. He went and bought the article from our competitors. But he was so pleased with my services that he came back every week and became a regular customer.
In his Ted Talk, Joseph Pine explains perfectly what customers are expecting and how their expectations evolved. In the end, what they want is authenticity. Pushing to make quotas/ goals can lead to a bad customer experience and this could come back to bite you in the long run. Whether it’s through a bad review, churn rising, or simply customers not wanting to talk to you because they’ll be afraid you’ll want to upsell them. I think losing communication with your potential clients is the worst thing that can happen in customer service.
~Édouard Grondin-Fortin, DashThis
109. Use social media to assess your users’ satisfaction with your product or service.
This action provides your product and marketing teams with valuable insights on improving your offering to increase customer satisfaction and retention.
~Jared Pobre, Caldera + Lab
110. Every customer experience is unique.
Every customer has some special experience with a business. The best way to approach this situation is to listen to the customer closely and determine how to help them in their situation. These conversations can even offer insight into avoiding complications with future clients.
~Sarah Guerrero, Herrman and Herrman PLLC
Customer service is fully understood now
Wow, as you can see, we’ve made an encyclopedia of customer service tips. There is much valuable information to gather here.
110 marketing specialists share their best one-liners that define what customer service should be all about. Positive attitude, empathy, willingness to help, flexibility – these are just a few issues covered in this article.
Oh, and we have tip number 111 – join Channels, so you can reach customer satisfaction in a quick and effective way!
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What’s stopping you?
Choose the answers that fit you perfectly. However, I dare say, you can learn something from every single statement here.
So, come back here whenever you want, this list is yours. Maybe you have something to add? Feel free to contact Channels!